Investigate traffic flows using Flow Explorer
You view the details of traffic flow on Flow Explorer to analyze the traffic logs for data transferred between Managed Assets, Discovered Assets, Workload Groups, Domain Groups, and Endpoint Groups, IP addresses and hostnames they use, tags and departments they are associated with, and the User IDs.
You can also create APIs to collect data from the Flow Explorer utility and visualize the flow of traffic, by using tools such as Splunk.
The Asset Filters you choose here will automatically apply to the HUD dashboard, Visualizer, and the Assets pages. The Advanced filters last across your logins to Xshield.
Go to Information Center > Flow Explorer.
Select a time duration from the TIME INTERVAL drop-down list.
You can filter flows for the last 30 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days. You can also specify a custom time duration.
Apply Asset filters
Asset filters provide the capabilities to filter inventory and telemetry data for the Xshield instance. Asset filters can help you filter the following data:
Asset inventory listed on the Assets page
Traffic flows for a subset of assets, on the Visualizer and Flow Explorer pages
Asset filters are located at the top of the Flow Explorer page.
Filter | Description |
Managed Groups | names of the Workload groups created in the instance |
IPs | IP addresses of the workloads and User assets |
Hostnames | hostnames of the workloads and User assets |
Tags | values of tags assigned to the workloads |
OS | OSes on the workloads and User assets that are registered with the instance. For example, CentOS Linux 7 (Core). |
Hardware | architectures of the CPUs on the workloads and User assets. For example, 8-Core Intel Core 9 @ 2.4 GHz. |
Severity | severity levels of the alerts generated on the workloads and User assets - Critical, High, Medium, and Low. |
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) IDs of the vulnerabilities on the workloads. For example, CVE-2019-1053. |
Apply Advanced filters
Filter traffic flows by the advanced filters located below the Asset filters.
The filters are Policy action (Authorized, Unauthorized, Blocked), Unsafe flows (low reputation and high-risk expected), Anomalous flows, protocol used, services used, processes used, source and destination assets or groups, users, departments to which users belong, services (port and protocol combinations) used by the flows, and the geographical location (country or city) of the flows (source or destination).
Filter | Operands |
PROTOCOL | protocols involved in the flows - TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IGMP |
PROCESS | absolute paths of the processes involved in the flows. For example, C:\Users\ctuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe. |
SOURCE | source workloads and User assets which generated the flows. Select an operand and enter the value of the operand in the Search box.
DESTINATION | Destination workloads and User assets which received the flows. Select an operand and enter the value of the operand in the Search box.
DEPARTMENTS | Departments in IDP/LDAP |
USERS | Usernames of users |
SERVICES | Combination of port and protocol |
GEO LOCATION | Geolocation of source and destination involved in the flow |
Click Search.
You will see flows for the filters you applied. You will also see the number of assets for which you are seeing the flows.
Investigate flows
Do this to interpret and investigate the details of the flows, efficiently.
Set Rows per page to 100 to go through the flows in less time.
By default, the flow records display only important parameters.
If you want to see more or all parameters for the flows, click + and select the parameters.
The additional parameters are Source Reputation, Source Threat Type, Source Geo Location, Source Port, Source Entities, Source Tags, Service, Destination Reputation, Destination Threat Type, Destination Geo Location, Destination Port, Destination Entities, Destination Tags, Process, User Id, Department, Policy Action, Session State, Updated Time, Duration And Session Id.
For parameters that are not applicable to a flow, you will see a hi-fen (-) in the corresponding cell.
Click the Download icon at the top of the table to download the flows as a CSV file.
You can use advanced Microsoft Excel features to analyze these flows offline.